Monday, February 23, 2009


So I was sick... and Michael being the awesome husband that he is had baby duty for the day. Above is our son dressed by his daddy. Props to Mike; Roman has socks on and is dressed. Funny note: Broncos onesie, Brown and red puppy pants, and baby blue and white socks that should be folded, but are all the way up to the boys knees. The combo doesn't quite go together, but the funny thing is that each of these items belongs to a coordinating set.... When I told Mike that he looked like a boy dressed him he said, "He doesn't match?"


Lorie said...

Hey Alicia!
We LOVED the V-day card from Roman! Thank you!! We opened it in the van on our way to town and the kids kept fighting over who's turn it was to hold "Roman". SO CUTE! He is seriously, adorable. I laughed OUT LOUD at Michael's dressing him... looks exactly how Richard (still!) dresses the kids when I'm not around... thinking that it actually matches perfectly. Aaahh, life would be so dull w/o our "Sweeties" around. MISS YOU TONS!!

Gegala said...

very cute.