Saturday, December 26, 2009


Happy Christmas Morning!

Showing off my stocking stuffers!

Roman was into opening presents this year, it made it so much fun!

Soft and Warm, thanks Grandma Alice and Grandpa Dan!


Punkin' Carving!

For Halloween, we decided to be the Rubbles and by "we" I mean I decided and Michael was gracious enough to oblige me. I made our costumes and actually had a really fun time doing it. This is the outcome, so without further adu... here is Bam Bam, Barney and Betty!

Bam Bam The Rubbles!

The Whole Gang

Kimber and I make cute cave women!

BYU Game Weekend

What a stud my son is. Or at least looks like one. Everytime we scored and the crowd went crazy he would freak out, it wasn't until the 4th quarter before he realized it was a good thing.

This is my sister in law Elizabeth. We are puttin on our intimidation faces. Sara Snow and Pona Sitake in the back are chowin down on some KFC! We had a great tailgating lunch before the game!

GO COUGARS! It was a good game, because we beat those darn CSU RAMS!

Baby Swap!

Ok this is NOT a flattering picture, but I had to put it in.... Roman loves to play with the camera and he took this picture of me. For the record I don't have double chins, just a bad angle... REALLY!

A big thanks to Sara and Tyson Snow for letting us crash at their place (like always) we had so much fun with them!

Roman's 1st Birthday (September 22)

Birthday boy!!!! So darn cute! I made him the shirt (obviously).

Here is the lopsided cake that I made for Roman's Birthday.

I also made him a cake shaped in the number one... just for him.

Roman LOVED his cake, it was the first time that we gave him a large amount of sugar.

Roman is one spoiled boy. Here he is playing in his room with Bennett and Denim.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mike's Weekend Project

My sweet husband put hardware on our cabinets this weekend, they actually turned out really nice. And just as a side note... he installed these cabinets and a few months ago did the back-splash as well. Isn't he so talented?

Monday, August 3, 2009

I LOVE Coupons!

So my newest hobby is COUPONS!! I've never really been a couponer, mostly because I thought it was a waste of time, well that was because I didn't know HOW to coupon. I always bought generic because it was so much cheaper than brand name even with a coupon, which is true if you aren't shopping the deals. For example I'd like to share my AWESOME SCORE with Rite Aid from today.
I bought all of this and after rebates they will have paid ME $4.77! That's right, I MADE MONEY off of this:

Price Breakdown: After Coupon After Rebate
  1. Toilet Paper (9) 3.99 3.99
  2. Venus Razor (2 cart) 5.00 0
  3. Mayo x 2 .86ea .86ea
  4. Ragu x 4 .86ea .86ea
  5. Skippy pb x 2 .86ea .86ea
  6. Werther's Chocolate 2.99 0
  7. Light Bulbs (2pk) 2.00 0
  8. Clear Duck Tape 1.49 0
  9. Probiotics 5.99 -3.00
  10. Cheerios (1serv) .34 .34
  11. Kotex Tampons (18ct) 3.59 1.59
  12. BIC Black Pens (2-10pk) .50ea 0
  13. Durex Play (No Jokes) 5.19 2.19
  14. Crest Toothpaste 2.04 -.75
  15. Zantac 1.49 -8.50
  16. Oil Free Face sunscreen 4.48 2.49
I used two transactions, with two $5 off coupons as well making my total a profit of $4.77

Some cute Pics of my baby!

Roman loves dinner time! This is him laughing at Mike and I laughing at him.

Roman was eating some leftover cereal from breakfast off his highchair.

Momma and baby, seconds before this picture he was trying to help mommy look for coupons on the internet. By helping I mean: eating any and all paper in the vicinity, trying to grab at all things not in the vicinity, attacking the mouse, grabbing the screen, eating pens, banging the keyboard which for some reason always brings up the help menu or configure your key board menu, who knew this was a menu?

My Garden!

So I decided to build a garden this year. After much planning I went with the corner garden (really to avoid covering any sprinkler heads), plus I started all of my plants in my window box months before. Anyway, after enlisting the help of Mike, my grandpa and uncle I was on my way. I also shoveled a whole YARD of dirt. For those of you who don't know that term... it's like 8 truck loads! I had many blisters on my hands. Here is my garden in all it's glory. You actually can't see all of it, my tomatoes are more like trees (not in picture). Also not visible because my pumpkins and squash are OUT of control, are two steps in the corner. I have strawberries and herbs on them.

Here is some of my fresh produce from my garden, we also had some great corn come out... but we ate it before I got out the camera.

Baby Friends?

My friends Sara Snow and Heidi Sitake came to visit me! Heidi also brought along baby Pona. He's one month younger than Roman. They happen to have similar outfits so we took the following snapshot.
Pona here is as happy as he got around Roman.

This is Pona normally around Roman... he was pretty much terrified of my lil guy. Poor Roman, he's not off to a good start in making friends. (Though most people are thinking poor Pona)

Bennett's Birthday Party

So Bennett's Birthday (Mikes nephew) was in July and the party was at Chuckecheese. Oddly enough I took a ton of pictures and NONE of the Birthday Boy. Here are some of cute ones:

Grandma Shideler sat with Roman (or one of the other grand kids) on this ride for about 30 minutes. Who doesn't love Grandmas?

Grandpa Shideler gave Abbey a bite of his cupcake. He was posing for the picture and Abbey took the cup cake into her own hands... literally.

Roman loves Birthday cake, he was pretty excited to get to feed himself.

Roman is into EVERYTHING!

So my sweet little boy has been dubbed "Mr. Destructo" He really likes to make messes.

Notice the drawers are open too.

Then not long after that, Roman is playing nicely in his room. Mom is sweeping the house. Then Roman is awful quiet, mom sneaks into his room and she finds him playing with the wipes.

You got to love this kid!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Roman 8th Month Photos

Here is Roman in his super awesome hawaii outfit.

Roman is climbing up on everything. He thinks he's a big man now, he goes up the stairs (we have 2) he climbs around the living room table and the couch. It's fun to see how much he learns everyday. He's starting to stand on his own too.

Daddy and Son taking a drink together.

Just after bath, I absolutely LOVE this picture!

Roman and his very first lollipop. I only gave him part of it, and he wasn't too happy about it being taken away.

Roman 7 Month Pictures

Janna and Roman playing together in their Bronco Outfits. Noting that "playing" being a loose term, where Janna got jealous of Roman playing with her Daddy and toys, it was sooo cute though. The Fuller family got Roman this outfit.

Bronco Fan!

I put this picture in because Roman had an awful cold. This picture shows his poor red eyes, and nose. The kid just looks rough.

Roman learns to out world!

Happy Baby = Happy Parents

Mikey's 28th Birthday

The Shideler Clan came over for some L&L Birthday Style

Mike, Chris, Ryan and Joey. These men are charming, suave, cool and debonair in one mighty morsel.

Birthday Uncle Mikey rough housing with Bennett.

Jen and Phoebe; two sweet gals that I don't get to see enough.

Our good friends Chris and Jess Williams.