Saturday, December 26, 2009

BYU Game Weekend

What a stud my son is. Or at least looks like one. Everytime we scored and the crowd went crazy he would freak out, it wasn't until the 4th quarter before he realized it was a good thing.

This is my sister in law Elizabeth. We are puttin on our intimidation faces. Sara Snow and Pona Sitake in the back are chowin down on some KFC! We had a great tailgating lunch before the game!

GO COUGARS! It was a good game, because we beat those darn CSU RAMS!

Baby Swap!

Ok this is NOT a flattering picture, but I had to put it in.... Roman loves to play with the camera and he took this picture of me. For the record I don't have double chins, just a bad angle... REALLY!

A big thanks to Sara and Tyson Snow for letting us crash at their place (like always) we had so much fun with them!

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